General Questions
What type of users will be using this application?
What are their roles?
Ice Breaker Questions
How many years of experience do you have in your role?
What is your title?
Is the title reflective of your role?
What are your job duties?
What does your typical day look like?
Do you have anyone who reports to you? If so, how many? Who?
What teams or people do you collaborate with regularly?
What teams or people do you collaborate with occasionally?
What teams or people do you wish you collaborated with more?
What is your level of computer knowledge?
If applicable, do you know any coding languages? If so, what languages? Ex: SQL, React, etc.
Job Questions
What is your Business Knowledge level?
Is your primary job to do [X]?
Can you walk me through your process with [feature]?
What are your pain points?
Do you run into them every time you interact with [feature], or is it an edge case?
Can you prioritize them, from the most frustrating to mildly irritating?
What works well for you?
What is a “must have” for you to accomplish your duties using [feature]?
What enhancements would you like to see?
Is this an enhancement that would help only you or the team you work with (in your view)?
When you interact with [feature], do you work within multiple monitors?
What information are you opening on the second screen?
If so, would you work more efficiently if the information you are seeking out was available on a single screen?
How do you define success or progress in your position?
What tools or services do you use on a daily basis?
Which tools or services do you wish you had access to, in order to fulfill your job duties more effectively?
In your opinion, what is a “good user experience” within an application?
If you could build the “ideal” user experience for this tool, what would that look like for you?
Closing Questions
Is there anything you’d like to ask us or tell us?