Claim Entry Application
Problem statement: Claim Advocates use an outdated application, leading to inefficiencies as they navigate multiple windows to access the required form for quick or long entry. This results in them managing 20-30 open windows simultaneously, highlighting the need for improvement.
Role: Senior Product Design Lead
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Payment Plans Application
Problem statement: There was a substantial increase in payment plans, rising from an average of 4 per quarter to about 125 per quarter. The current manual process is time-consuming, error-prone, and lacks reporting leading to delays in receiving payments from customers.
Role: Lead Product Designer
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Home Equity Line of Credit Application Design
Problem statement: The current application is outdated, lacking cohesion with the current bank design system, and involves a time-consuming process. Both potential and current customers have expressed dissatisfaction, citing concerns about its lengthy and confusing processes.
Role: Lead Product Designer
Password Protected

Claims Dashboard
Problem statement: The current application lacks the characteristics of a dashboard as it fails to provide advocates or examiners with essential high-level insights. To gather more information, users are compelled to navigate into individual items, making the process inefficient and less user-friendly.
Role: Lead Product Designer
Password Protected

Design System
Problem statement: The absence of well-defined design standards for internal applications and the lack of a comprehensive pattern library resulted in inconsistencies in the visual aesthetics and functionality of applications across the organization.
Role: Lead Product Designer

Lead Generator Application
Problem statement: Attorneys face the challenge of efficiently searching for and acquiring leads based on claim type, claim amount, and state across various case categories. Simultaneously, they require the capability to personalize their mailers for effective communication.
Role: Lead Product Designer
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